It is preferred at client side to write programs that can beĮxecuted by a web browser within the context of a web page.

Javascript is a scripting language which supports the development of both client and server applications.

It allows users to produce web pages that include text, graphics and It provides a means to structure text based information in a document. Modules and their requirements :- User Module : This was my Java mini-project for third semester UG. The Backend of the project is designed with Java, MySQL for database connectivity and front end using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. It features a familiar and well thought-out, an attractive online user interface, combined with strong searching Insertion and reporting capabilities. This application is developed in java, which mainly focuses on basic operations in a hospital like adding new patient information, and updating new information, assigning the doctor for patient. This is a hospital management user interface for managing, monitoring and controlling the system in a Hospital. Subscribe YouTube For Latest Update Click Here